
Opened in 1995 as a collaboration among Columbus State University, Columbus Water Works, and the City of Columbus, Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center provides exhibits, natural history displays, nature trails, and also offers formal and informal educational programs about the ecology and natural history of the region.
Inside the center, visitors can view a variety of snakes, turtles, tortoises, fish, alligators, invertebrates, and lots more. Visitors can take a walk down our trails to catch a glimpse of native wildlife, view our wetlands and ponds, or to explore our educational and fun Discovery Trail.

Check out all our programs at Oxbow Meadows. We hope to see you soon!

Ever tried gift wrapping an alligator? We also agree, that’s literally crazy! So why not Adopt-a-Critter instead. Learn more here!

Bring your used cooking grease and expired/unused medications for recycling and proper disposal on Saturday, August 8th, 2024
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Oxbow has created some at-home resources for teachers, parents, community members, and anyone who would like to continue the learning experience.

Learn to BEE a Beekeeper!! One of our most unique programs just for youth!

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, virtually with Oxbow Meadows!
Can I bring wild or injured animals to Oxbow Meadows?
Unfortunately, Oxbow Meadows is not a licensed wildlife rehabilitation center, please do not bring wildlife to Oxbow Meadows.
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Please use the following list to find local wildlife rehabbers and their animal specialty.
Wildlife Rehabilitator List (PDF)